The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.

How to think about Cross-Jurisdictional Episcopal Intervention in the ECUSA. A Proposal

How to think about Cross-Jurisdictional Episcopal Intervention in the ECUSA. A Proposal

I admire the admonition to faithfulness and holiness coming from many voices in our list- serve discussions that, like the prophets, we might speak the truth in love, and from a place of suffering not wasted because our Lord’s provisions and promises are sure. I agree this is God’s way.

Anglican Covenant Noll Evangelical Commentary 2007

Noll, Evangelical Commentary on Draft Covenant 1 June 07

Sec. 6: The Unity of the Communion

Proposed Amendment

(6) We acknowledge that in the most extreme circumstances, where member churches choose not to fulfil the substance of the covenant as understood by the Councils of instruments of the Communion, we will consider that such churches have relinquished membership in the Anglican Communion.

The New Episcopal Church: What Hath General Convention 2015 Wrought?

The Anglican Communion Institute has followed with care and interest the decisions of The Episcopal Church's (TEC's) General Convention 2015. We have pondered key aspects of these decisions, and spoken to a range of participants and members of the broader Anglican Communion. In summarizing our reflections, we note that the following things are clear: A Trial Rite for same-sex marriage (A054) was passed in the House of Bishops a) without a roll call vote and b) without a majority of all the Bishops entitled to vote, as prescribed by the Constitution.

Questions for Presiding Bishop Candidates, 2015

The following are questions we would want to see posed to and answered by the current candidates for Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. We hope that our bishops will make sure that these, or questions like them, are put forward and engaged publicly by the candidates themselves. In general, the Presiding Bishop is defined as the "chief pastor", "primate", "leader", and "spokesperson" for the national church as it is ordered by General Convention.

Same Sex Marriage and Infant Baptism

A controversy has erupted in the Diocese of Central Florida over an apparent request by the dean of the cathedral to postpone the infant baptism of a same sex couple.  This led to Facebook and blog postings, general outrage and immediate calls for charges under Title IV.  All this before the facts were known. Given the lack of knowledge of all the relevant facts in this instance it is not appropriate for reasonable people to comment on this particular case, let alone encourage legal proceedings founded on ignorance of the facts. We will not address this case here.