Peter Robinson

Professor of Proclamation, Worship and Ministry, Basic Degree Director

DPhil (Kings College, London)BSc (Guelph), MA (Regent)

After completing his DPhil (PhD) in theology in the UK, Peter has served the church and the academy in a number of ways.  He has been an associate priest and incumbent in the Anglican Church in the diocese of Toronto, and an adjunct professor at Wycliffe College and Tyndale Seminary.  He continues to serve in the Diocese of Toronto as an honorary assistant and a member of the Postulancy Committee and the Doctrine and Worship Committee.   

Peter is particularly interested in the working relationship between the Church and the academy, and how the life of the Church and her ministry are shaped by God—Father, Son and Spirit—along with our knowing and living responsively to and with God.  His current research and teaching interests focus on the relationship between mission and formation in the church.

Practical Theology, Leadership Development, Spiritual Formation, Trinitarian Theology, Theological Anthropology
  • “Foolishness to the Greeks: Corporal Punishment, Culture and the Gospel,” in Putting Children in their Place: Corporal Punishment, Theology and Reconciliation, eds. Joan Durrant, Valerie Michaelson (University of Manitoba Press, Winnipeg). 2020. 
  • The Word is Near You: Seeds of the Reformation, editor, Wipf and Stock, 2018.
  • “Take and Eat: Knowing God in Worship” in “Behold I Am Coming Soon”: Meditations on the Apocalypse of John (2018)
  • “The Full Exodus Story” in Meditations on Exodus (2018)
  • “Song of Deliverance: Cantemus Domino” in Come Let Us Sing to the Lord: Songs of Scripture (2017)
  • “Narcissism” in Confronting the Idols of Our Age (2017)
  • “A Little Lower Than God: the Integrity and Dignity of Human Persons and Relationships,” in In Spirit and in Truth: the Challenge of Discernment for Canadian Anglicans Today, edited by Catherine Sider Hamilton, Peter M. B. Robinson, and George Sumner (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2009).
  • “The Trinity: the Significance of Appropriate Distinctions for Dynamic Relationality,” in Trinitarian Soundings in Systematic Theology, edited by Paul Metzger (T&T Clark, 2005). 
  • "Cappadocian Distinctions on the Being of God," in Alive to the Love of GodFestschrift in Honor of James Houston (Regent College Publishing, 1998). 
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