Vestigia Dei
Wycliffe College Blog

Vestigia Dei  – is a Latin term meaning “traces of God.” As a theological term it is associated with natural theology – that is, the view that there are vestiges of God within creation. We’ve chosen this term as the title of the Wycliffe College blog because our hope is that through these writings, readers might glimpse evidences for God as our writers interact with the wider world.

Spiritual practices for a Church and people in transition

Chris Dow
Rev'd Chris Dow, Wycliffe's chaplain, unpacks a seminal moment in the history of Israel - a "significant moment of transition" as he calls it. The beauty of Dow's meditation lies in its reminder that being a Christ-follower means being rooted in community. Worship, baptism, testimony, and joy are spiritual habits that we are called to practice... in community. Their orientation of us to the Living Word, Jesus Christ, happens in the context of community - the gathering of believers. Read more

The Anglican Church of Canada in transition

Wycliffe College Faculty
With care, and a deep love for the Anglican Church, Professor Emeritus and historian Alan L. Hayes reflects on the Church's transition through the filters of continuity and change, and ultimately points readers to the anchor through all transitions, institutional or personal: Jesus Christ Himself.

The invitation of Black History Month

Wycliffe College Blog
Why is Black History Month needed? What does the invitation of this calendar month offer to all of us at large? Wycliffe College's Communications Associate Renee James reflects on the surprise and invitation of Black History Month.

Songs in Transition

Wycliffe College
When circumstances overwhelm you, how do you stay the course? Wycliffe Senior Student Kathleen Krynski reflects on the power of the Psalms to orient, ground and guide through the big and small transitions of life.

Sacred Journeys: Finding God in Life's Transitions

Boram Lee
Rev. Dr Boram Lee shares how transition can be a sacred journey; an opportunity to deepen our relationship with God; each step in that transition a movement to a future as yet unseen, but one shaped by God who journeys with us. Transitions can be sacred places in which God our Father dwells.

Navigating Life's Transitions

Marion Taylor
Dr Marion Taylor writes about transitions through the lens of Naomi and Ruth. What do we do when our transitions take us from famine to plenty; from affliction to blessing, and back again? Dr Taylor offers us a nuanced account of suffering, provision, and the certainty of God's presence even in the darkest of seasons.

The gift of the new road

Catherine Sider-Hamilton
Professor Catherine Sider-Hamilton on the gift of the new road - that Christ Himself has made that new road His. "If I take the wings of the morning And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there your hand shall lead me, And your right hand hold me fast. (Psalm 139: 9-10)"

Transitions Into Darkness

Lissa M. Wray Beal
Sometimes transitions lead us into dark territory. Dipping into the book of Jeremiah, Professor Lissa Wray Beal offers insight into how we may all find comfort and hope, even in those transitions.

On the Right Use of Theological Studies: Simone Weil on Attention

Joseph Mangina
"To study God, pay attention to God, delight in God -- what could be more thrilling than that?" Professor Joseph Mangina reflects on love, paying attention and the use of theological studies.

Released from a wage economy

Stephen Chester
Fall is a season of transition especially for students, faculty, and their families, and it is the theme of Wycliffe's fall 2024 blog series. Dr Stephen Chester begins the series by reminding readers that Christ Himself remains the anchor through all our seasons of transition.

Prayer for Choosing a New Principal for Wycliffe College

Wycliffe College
We would like to invite the Wycliffe community to join us in prayer as we search for a new Principal:


Sovereign and gracious God,

A Five-Hour Challenge That Could Change Your Life

Marion Taylor
Psalms take on new meaning when heard in your own voice or culture. Dr. Marion Taylor explores the impact of hearing the Psalms read aloud.

O What a Tangled Web we Weave When First we Practice to Deceive

Peter Robinson
This Holy Week, Professor of Proclamation, Worship and Ministry, Peter Robinson, explores Sir Walter Scot's epic poem and how it collates to the Passion of Christ, and the sobering portrayals of how easily self-justification leads all too quickly to a complex web of deceit.

Living Gratitude

Jeremy McClung
Transitional Director of Institution of Evangelism, Jeremy McClung, explores the importance of gratitude in a Christian life, and how a hardwired reaction to freely given gifts has become skewed with society's need for self-importance. However, there is hope if we return to who we were created to be, and reconcile to whom we owe the most gratitude.

Choose Joy

Wycliffe College Blog
In a world where contentment is often unattainable, Director of Development, Shelley McLagan, delves into the idea of choosing joy—not because Christians are exempt from struggles but because we have a God who is always with us when we go through them.

Where is God?: Finding God in the Depths of Suffering

Boram Lee

Two decades ago, in response to Christ’s call to offer care and counseling for the suffering, I embarked on a journey of caregiving.

Being at home in the body for now

Mark Elliott

Now that the pandemic is behind us, I’m now something of an exception – that is, I am someone who still spends more days away from Wycliffe than in college.

The Good Thing: Thoughts on the Confession of St. Peter

Catherine Sider-Hamilton

Let me begin with the story of two Rhodes Scholars. One is named William Jefferson Clinton. He went to Georgetown University on scholarship, Oxford on the Rhodes Scholarship, and Yale Law School. He served as the 40th and 42nd Governor of Arkansas and before that was Arkansas’ Attorney General.

The Good Thing: Thoughts on the Confession of St. Peter

Catherine Sider Hamilton

Let me begin with the story of two Rhodes Scholars. One is named William Jefferson Clinton. He went to Georgetown University on scholarship, Oxford on the Rhodes Scholarship, and Yale Law School. He served as the 40th and 42nd Governor of Arkansas and before that was Arkansas’ Attorney General.

Magi at the Manger: A Hermeneutical Meditation for Epiphany

Joseph Mangina

One of the most treasured items that gets hauled out of storage in our household each Christmas season is the crêche, or Nativity scene. Ours is a simple affair. It is composed of wooden folk-art figures made, as I recall, in Costa Rica.

Peace like a River

Peter Robinson

On the second Sunday of Advent we anticipate and celebrate the promise that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, has come to bring peace into the world. In the face of so much hubris, greed, polarization, division, and war around the globe, the promise of peace might seem a distant and elusive dream.

Blood, heart, and data: An imperfect reflection on what’s real

Scott Mealey

“And behold [David], you are caught in your own evil, for you are a man of bloodshed!” (from II Samuel 16:8)

Home: The Family of Abraham

Stephen Chester

It is often emphasized how radical the apostle Paul was in proclaiming that, through faith in Christ, Gentiles can enter into the people of God without first becoming Jewish and taking on obedience to the Mosaic Law: “those who believe are the children of Abraham” (Gal 3:7).

Homesickness: Where Is My True Home?

Boram Lee

Seventeen years ago, I embarked on a life-altering journey. I departed from my homeland, leaving behind my family and friends in South Korea, where I was born, raised, and spent the most significant portion of my life.

Faculty Book Suggestions for New Theological Students

Wycliffe Faculty

We surveyed the faculty members at Wycliffe College for recommendations of books and resources that new theological students (or those considering further theological study) ought to read, and here is a list of them by category!


A Memorable Summer in the Arctic

Grace Park

My name is Grace, and I am in my third year of the MDiv program. During my undergraduate years, I was involved in campus ministry and that was when I became interested in theological studies and enrolled at Wycliffe College.

Thoughts on Collecting Art

Sandra Bowden

I just returned from a trip to England visiting towns northeast of London – where my mother’s relatives lived in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries – searching for churches where they had worshiped before their immigration to the New World.

On Saying “Thank You.”

Catherine Sider-Hamilton

Outside my office window there is a stunning tree. Burnt-red, tall and thick, deep blue sky behind it, and on either side trees still bright green.

Seeking an Ethic of Engagement

Mark Elliot

I recall as an undergraduate being asked to read H. Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture (1951).Niebuhr had set out five options of how one should understand this relationship, with “Christ versus culture” and “Christ in culture” as the two opposite extremes, the former representing a cr

Anne Askew and the Dangerous Activity of Reading Scripture

Marion Taylor

Twenty-five-year-old noblewoman Anne Askew (1521–1546) was accused of heresy, arrested, interrogated at least twice, tortured on the rack, and burned alive at the stake.

"Rooted in the Anglican tradition"

Stephen Andrews

As we prepare to receive 50 new students at the College this semester, I am once again reminded that many, if not most of our students have been drawn to Wycliffe because of our evangelical commitments and the quality of our teaching, and not because of any denominational allegiance.

Did Paul Really Intend to Silence Women Everywhere and Always? Sixteenth-Century Female Reformer Said “No.”

Marion Taylor

I was raised in a church and family that encouraged women to be all that they were meant to be.

Journeying as Pilgrims

Lissa M. Wray Beal

“Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land.” So begins William Williams’ hymn in which Christian life is a pilgrimage along which the believer’s weakness is exposed, and God’s provision abounds. Pilgrimage is a deeply embedded description of the Christian life.

Dead to Sin? Romans 6 and New Life in Christ

Stephen Chester

We live in a time of repeated scandals in which prominent church leaders turn out to be hiding egregious sinful behaviour.

The Word of God Abides: Reflections on the First of the Six Principles of Wycliffe College

Joseph Mangina

In a conversation with some students recently I made reference to Wycliffe College’s Six Principles, and was met with blank stares. I do not fault the students. The fact is that we don’t talk about the Principles nearly as much as we did when I began teaching here in the late 1990s.

Learning From Successful Churches

Peter Robinson

In Churchland there is a natural tendency to look to churches that appear successful, hoping to learn from or emulate what they are doing in our own communities.

Valentine’s Day

Catherine Sider-Hamilton

When my children were young, Valentine’s Day was hugely exciting. We made cookies with pink icing in heart shapes.

The Temptation of the Godless Sermon

Judy Paulsen

Some time ago I visited a church in which the sermon, delivered by a guest preacher, concluded with the sentence “If you do this you’ll be happy, and your neighbour will be happy.”

Jesus, the Napalm Girl, and Us

If you’re near my age, or older, you likely remember seeing this photo in a newspaper in June 1972, probably on page one.

The Divine Key to Long Life and Prosperity in 2023

Annette Brownlee

11 Come, children, and listen to me; * I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

12 Who among you loves life * and desires long life to enjoy prosperity?

13 Keep your tongue from evil-speaking * and your lips from lying words.

14 Turn from evil and do good*

Routines with a Bigger Purpose

Stephen Andrews

Like many of you, I spend the first week of the New Year going through my diary, trying to anticipate some of the challenges and opportunities the next twelve months will bring.

John Wycliffe's story—relevant for today

Wycliffe College

The film "John Wycliffe Morningstar," produced by Trinity Digital Ltd., was released on Reformation Day—October 31. 

“The Yeah, Yeah Experience” or “Communion Sweet from Heart to Heart”

Marion Taylor

In my first year of graduate studies at Yale University, I was asked to be a teaching assistant in a course that allowed for “the yeah, yeah experience” to arise.

The Church, God’s People on the Way

Peter Robinson

“My soul longs, indeed, it faints for the courts of the Lord”

Psalm 84 is a psalm of longing or lament, and it is also a psalm of pilgrimage. Three times a year the people were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the temple to appear before the Lord (Exodus 23:14–17).

Wycliffe as a School for “Generous Orthodoxy”

Joseph Mangina

In late October I attended a conference at Yale commemorating the centenary of Hans Frei (1922-1988), one of the leading historical theologians of our age, and the most important figure in the so-called “Yale School” of theology and scriptural interpretation.

Kyrie, Matthew, and Anti-Judaism, or Why Read the Gospel in Greek

Catherine Sider Hamilton

I don’t often think about Kyrie – and, in fact, when I saw the name, just like that, “Kyrie,” in my newsfeed last week I thought I was seeing the Greek word kyrie, meaning “Lord,” as in kyrie eleison, “Lord, have mercy.” That was an exciting moment: New Testament Greek breaking

Jesus: A Missing Person?

Stephen Chester

I joined the faculty at Wycliffe in 2019 only a few months before the start of the pandemic. I was in Toronto first, and visited a number of churches in-person, but by the time my wife joined me the city was in lockdown.

Holding on to God in the Dark: A Meditation on Habakkuk

Justin Stratis

Ours is not a time of rest. I need not enumerate the many troubles that we face today, but it should be uncontroversial to point out that we live in a world ever more enveloped by fear. And who can blame us twenty-first century folk for suspecting that danger lurks in the shadows of every path?

Reformed House of Studies draws on the riches of the Reformed tradition

Wycliffe Communications

On October 31, Wycliffe College officially launches its Reformed House of Studies (RHS)—a theological and ministerial training initiative, housed within the College, which draws on the riches of the Reformed tradition to prepare students and maturing leaders for Christian ministry.

Scripture Readings for a Church in Trouble

Judy Paulsen

Over the past few weeks I have had several long conversations with pastors who seem dangerously close to burn-out. They’re worried because some 25 to 30 percent of their congregations haven’t returned to church following the easing of pandemic restrictions.

Jesus, Judaism, and Two Wycliffe Professors

As someone who has spent several decades in Church-land, I've heard literally thousands of sermons, homilies, and meditations. Too often, I hear preachers representing Jesus as someone who was uncomfortable with Judaism.

As retirement draws closer, Radner reflects

Ephraim Radner

I’ll be retiring next summer.  People ask me “why now?”.  Lots of reasons, probably: let someone younger have a place at the faculty table; family responsibilities; health; fatigue; out of synch with the culture; “work is done,” “new things to do,” generational stage of life; and so on.

The pastoral practice of creating lists

Annette Brownlee

As Wycliffe College Chaplain, I spend a lot of time creating lists. I consider doing so a critical part of any pastoral practice.

Spelling Grace

Nate Wall

A month ago Frederick Buechner died at age ninety-six. During that windfall of years, in which he served as a high-school chaplain, was ordained a Presbyterian minister, raised a family, and worked his unusually enchanted way with words, Buechner wrote a book that I read again each year.

Rebuilding community

Stephen Andrews

Many positive things can be said about the benefits of online education. While in-person classes were largely suspended over the last two years because of the pandemic, students did not have to suspend their lives or learning. Wycliffe students were still able to proceed in their programs.

Q&A with Lissa Wray Beal: The power of the Word of God

Wycliffe Communications

On August 1, 2022, Lissa Wray Beal joined the faculty of Wycliffe College as Professor of Old Testament. In the early days after her move to Toronto, she took time to participate in a conversation with Communications Director Patricia Paddey. An edited version follows.


Embracing less certainty, more dependance

Melissa Ytsma

Over the past few months, I’ve had the absolute privilege of completing my Summer Parish Internship in İzmir, Türkiye (the new official name for Turkey).

The benefits and challenges of an international internship

Wycliffe Communications

Gwen Allison has finished her first year in the MDiv program at Wycliffe College. She is a candidate for ordination with the Anglican Church of Canada in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.

Ridding the world of Angelas

Jeremy McClung

Wycliffe PhD candidate Jeremy McClung’s presentation “Ridding the World of Angelas" was recently declared the winner of the Toronto School of Theology’s inaugural Three Minute Thesis competition. 3MT® is an internationally recognized research communication competition that started in 2008 a

The place of online learning in theological education

Peter Robinson

At the beginning of March, the Angus Reid Institute ran a poll surveying those who were anticipating a return to work. The poll revealed that after two years of working at home many employees aren’t sure that they want to return to the office.

Thinking that's hard to find in other places

Mark Elliott

Looking ahead to next month's Scripture and Theology Colloquium, we asked Professorial Fellow and Symposium organizer Mark Elliott (ME below) what par

Reflections on Divine Providence for times like these

Mark W. Elliott

I can recall as a pre-school infant asking my parents about the likelihood of nuclear war, which seemed an ever-present danger in the UK of the early 1970s.

Listening to the News

Ann Jervis

Do you, like me, have a complicated relationship with the news?

Listening to the News

Ann Jervis

Do you, like me, have a complicated relationship with the news? I find it almost magnetic—I want to know “what is going on,” to think myself part of current social dramas. I also find the news disorienting and discomfiting—it depicts a world out of control.

Of Pasta and Palimpsests: Notes on a Visit to Rome

Joseph Mangina

I recently had the opportunity of spending two weeks in Rome as part of a course on Anglican Ecclesiology and Ecumenism. The course, ably taught by Prof. Matthew Olver of Nashotah House seminary and Dr.

What is a Theologian?

Justin Stratis

Occasionally, when I’m out in the wild, someone might see my ID and notice that little “Dr.” in front of my name. The next comment often goes something like: “Oh, you’re a doctor!

The battle lines of justice run through the centre of our lives

Stephen Chester

The struggle for justice seems never to be won, and it is easy for those who fight for it to become weary.  

Suffering and Hope

John Franklin, Executive Director of IMAGO

The most common challenge to Christian faith is the presence of pain, evil, and suffering in the world. We ask, if there is a God, why are these things allowed? Some suffering is the result of our own folly but there is also the suffering that seems to be woven into the fabric of life in ways we

Marie Dentière: A Voice Long Silenced that Speaks Again

Marion Taylor

In my graduate studies, my professors had me read great books written by great men who had made a difference in the church and academy. They never talked about the great books that women had written and the great things that women had done. Women’s voices had long been silenced.

What is Love Anyway?

Wanda Malcolm

It’s Valentine’s Day and as the saying goes, “love is in the air,” but what is love anyway? Ask a few different people what love is, and you will quickly discover that love, like ice cream, comes in different flavors that can be enjoyed on their own or mixed together for an extraordinary treat.

Ten Events in the 1960s that Permanently Changed the Anglican Church of Canada

During the 1960s, which were a decade of upheaval in western Christianity in general, the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) registered some fundamental changes in its worship, theology, ecumenical outlook, discipline, and cultural inclusiveness.  

Women in Ministry? Light from Ancient Greek

Catherine Sider-Hamilton

Can a woman preach? Can women lead worship? Does God ordain authority for women in the church? It is a question that matters to me, as a woman and a priest in the Anglican church, now for more than 25 years. Greek points us toward an answer!

When it comes to the church, how beautiful is small? Part 2

Stephen Andrews

My dad was a “there-are-no-strangers-but-only-friends-I-haven’t-met-yet” kind of guy. He was disarmingly affable and could size up a situation that was full of flaws and point out what was good about it.

When it comes to the church, how beautiful is small? Part 1

Stephen Andrews

Just when we thought that we were about to survive the coronapocalypse, the Omicron variant appeared from the viral swamp and, like the tail of the Balrog, swept us from the victory podium.

Body Talk: Is there a Christian Way to Think About Our Bodies?

Judy Paulsen

The first time I encountered the term eating disorder I was about twelve and read a letter addressed to Dear Abby, a syndicated advice column published in many North American newspapers.

In the midst of Omicron discouragement, hope

Ephraim Radner

The following comments were transcribed from opening remarks by Professor Ephraim Radner delivered at Morning Prayer in the Wycliffe College Founder’s Chapel, on Thursday, Dece

The Alphabet—Greatest Invention of All Time?

Glen Taylor

I believe our alphabet reflects one of the most significant inventions of all time. Without it, it would take years for me to learn the hundreds of pictographic signs that would be necessary to write this blog and for you to be able to read it. 

Lessons from the Front Lines of the B.C. Floods

Wycliffe College Student Paul Richards

The atmospheric river that came was truly an inundation. Torrential rain for days caused mudslides, rivers to swell and burst their banks, roads and bridges to dissolve into nothing, and waters suddenly rising to dangerous levels and consuming homes, farms, and land.

Hybrids We

George Sumner

I once said in a Wycliffe class that there were two types of people, either/ors and both/ ands, at which point a student interjected, “but Professor, I think I am both a both/and and an either/or,” which proved the point.

What is “discipleship”?

John Bowen

A friend told me she once preached about discipleship. After the service, a parishioner came up to her and said, irately, “I am not a disciple. I am a member.” Oh well, I guess it was better than no reaction at all, and certainly better than, “Lovely sermon.”

Loneliness—it’s now built in

David Kupp

There’s a growing ache at the heart of many of our western societies. Its name is loneliness. And a stream of actors has been calling it out of late: psychologists, pastors, pandemistas, even politicians.

On Being an Immigrant

Justin Stratis

I am now beginning my fourteenth year as an immigrant. In 2008, my wife and I, along with our young son, moved from the USA to Scotland to pursue my PhD.

How do you know when you’ve gone too far: Lessons from an American Jezebel

Marion Taylor

Anne Hutchinson (ca. 1591-1643) was a courageous woman who fought for many of the freedoms we now take for granted.

Why I am not “a person of faith”

John Bowen

I do not consider myself “a person of faith.” There, I said it. Are you shocked? 

Yes, I attend my parish church regularly. I say the creed without crossing my fingers. I renew my baptismal vows at least once a year. So what could it possibly mean to say I am not “a person of faith”?

Body Politics: Christian Theological Reflections on Vaccination

Joseph Mangina

It never really occurred to me to not be vaccinated.

The Difference between Truth and Opinion

Stephen Chester

“One must not argue about opinions.

The vaccination question: a theologian reflects, part 1

Ephraim Radner

This blog post is the first in a series, in which Wycliffe theology professors consider the COVID vaccination debate. In the following, Ephraim Radner, Professor of Historical Theology asks, “How did the issue of vaccination so divide the church?”


Subway Prayer (or How to Pray for Strangers)

Judy Paulsen

Eight years ago, our family moved into the heart of Toronto. One of the surprises that came with this move was being freed from my car; something I was completely dependent on while pastoring in suburbia. Now I was taking public transit every day as I travelled into Wycliffe College.

God’s Call for your life?

Peter Robinson

“What is God’s call for my life?” That is a question most Christians think about at one time or another and it is certainly one of the questions we have in the back of our minds when we come to a college or seminary like Wycliffe—regardless of whether we are looking towards possible ordination/pa

Why Study Church History? Barking at False Pasts

How can studying the past help us in our Christian formation?

Meanings matter: clarifying “mission” and “gospel”

John Bowen

I remember seminary students who were hoping to be ordained warning one another of the kind of questions they were likely to be asked in the selection process. “It used to be,” they said, “that you had to say something about the importance of the sacraments.

What is a theological college? Wycliffe College as a M.A.S.H. Unit

Stephen Andrews

People think about theological colleges in different ways. To most, perhaps, they are simply schools, maybe professional schools, like the faculties of medicine or law or music.

Reflections from a Covid-couch: Jesus comes to where we are

Christopher Seitz

Senior Research Professor and Old Testament scholar Christopher Seitz recently contracted Covid-19 after having been vaccinated. His symptoms—while relatively mild—have nonetheless been disruptive.

Sine nomine

Stephen Andrews

Names are important in the Bible. From the time Adam named the animals in the creation story, to the revelation of God’s name in the Sinai desert, to the angelic naming of the holy child who is our Saviour. Names identify. Names personify. Names are intimate. Names awaken memory.

One Christian’s struggle to make sense of the war in Israel

Andrew Barron

Israel is where I have family. It is the country many of my friends, and coworkers (Jews and Arabs both) call home. My heart is weighed down at the recent manifestation of violence and hatred that we have seen erupt there.

How is a Christian to make sense of it all?

Some pushback to Albert Mohler’s pushback

Marion Taylor

Albert Mohler is blowing up the Internet.

John Stott and Anglican Evangelicalism

Stephen Andrews

Today marks the centenary of the birth of John R.W. Stott (1921-2011). Identified by Time magazine in 2005 as one of the world’s “100 Most Influential People,” John R.W. Stott was a legendary figure in the modern global evangelical movement.

We are not good at predicting the future

Annette Brownlee

On this day the Lord has acted. We will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24)

Stuck at home, in Guelph, Ontario

David Kupp

“Stuck at home”

stuck: “mired, glued, compelled, resolutely adhered, halted, saddled disagreeably”

home: “one’s place of residence, domicile, habitat”


How very good and pleasant it is

The Tyranny of Now

Stephen Chester

My first degree was in history. I was educated at the University of York in England by professors who were by and large resolutely unimpressed by notions of human progress.

Theology for beginners - book suggestions by Wycliffe faculty

Wycliffe College Faculty

Recognizing that everyone interested in pursuing theological studies is a beginner at one point, Wycliffe College faculty put together a list of rudimentary books that would be helpful for someone starting their theological studies.

The divine purpose of work and leisure

Thomas Power

The pandemic has brought forth many questions about how we conduct our lives. We have been forced to re-examine our patterns of living, attitudes, and behaviour and begun to think anew about the very nature of work and its concomitant, recreation, or leisure.


Joseph Mangina

The word lenten, the Oxford English Dictionary tells me, is older than the word Lent.

Deep at the heart of everything

Ephraim Radner

My wife Annette and I own several charcoal and wash drawings by a wonderful artist, Churchill Davenport. We acquired them when we were married in the late 1980’s.

Home in the dust

Nate Wall

“You are dust and to dust you shall return.”

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Taking a Stand against Slavery and against Racial Equality

Marion Taylor

I was first introduced to renowned abolitionist, women’s rights activist, and feminist biblical commentator Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) at a birthday party held in her honor at Yale Divinity School.

Tips for dealing with pandemic anxiety

Wanda Malcolm

To say that COVID-19 has brought many unwanted challenges into our lives is a blindingly obvious statement. We are weary of the isolation and loneliness.


Catherine Sider-Hamilton

Where I grew up, in southern Pennsylvania, Groundhog Day was a big thing. For weeks before February 2, the papers, the broadcasters asked: would the groundhog—who had a name, Punxatawny Phil, from Punxatawny, Penn.—see his shadow?

Remembering the First TST Director

C. Douglas Jay, the founding director of the Toronto School of Theology, died peacefully on January 1st, at the age of 95.

A New Day

Stephen Andrews

Have you ever seen so many people so anxious to put something behind them? “Good riddance!” we exclaim to a year that saw 80 million people infected by a lethal virus that was the cause of widespread unemployment, isolation, and unprecedented governmental largesse.

The Voice of the Old Testament

Christopher Seitz

One of my goals in college was to get the grades necessary to apply to a top law school. I happened to take a course in Old Testament and the Professor asked me to stay on and be a teaching assistant.

Why the Lives of Historical Black Women Preachers Matter

Marion Taylor

Early African American women dared to preach and call for personal and societal change. These heroes of faith inspire us and need to be remembered. We stand on their shoulders as we continue to battle over questions of gender, race, and biblical interpretation.

People, Look East!

Catherine Sider Hamilton

People, look east! The time is near

Of the crowning of the year.

Make your house fair as you are able

Trim the hearth and set the table.

People, look east and sing today

Six Gifts from St. Benedict’s Rule for living in the time of Covid

Annette Brownlee

I am in the middle of reading St. Benedict’s Rule with my 30 students in the first year MDiv course at Wycliffe called, “Life Together: Living the Christian Faith in Community.” We have come to the fun part of this portion of the class.

The nations eye each other up

Mark Elliott

The term “the Canadian model” has been thrown around in recent weeks as British Government negotiators seek the best “divorce settlement” deal they can get, in preparation for the UK to leave the European union.

Address the Sin and be Plenished by the Well

Axel Kazadi
Born in the Congo and raised in Zambia and New Brunswick before moving to Toronto, Axel Kazadi is a ThM graduate of 2018 and current PhD student at Wycliffe College.

A New Age of the Spirit

Ephraim Radner

The ventilator may well come to be one of the sorrowful symbols of the time of the Virus. We will associate it, as even now we do, with intense suffering, loss, and even death.

The Joy of Interruption

Tom Power

Many people in ministry and others could sympathize with the declaration of Rev. John Newton (1725-1807), author of the famous hymn, Amazing Grace, that he had:

Reflection and Encouragement from a First Year Wycliffe Student

Yong-Sung Jonathan Kang

We invited Jonathan Kang, a first-year Wycliffe College MDiv student, to share his thoughts on what it is like to start seminary during a global pandemic, and to offer a word of encouragement to fellow students.

Cup of Blessing: On Missing the Chalice at Communion

Joseph Mangina

One of the sure signs of “Covid-tide” in Anglican churches is the absence of the common cup at Holy Communion. The priest partakes of both the bread and wine, while the congregation receives the bread only.

Spiritual deformation: the faith community’s losing battle with social media?

David Kupp

We’ve all had enough, it seems. And yet we only want more. Shoulders curled forward, phones in our hands, eyes fixed to the screen, our brains wired to thumb endlessly deeper into the digital matrix: this is becoming the posture of humanity.

Society’s Fitting Anger at Evangelical Christians

Ann Jervis

Why is it that Christians—particularly evangelical Christians—are increasingly seen as the enemy of the common good?  A Google search for “evangelical” in The New York Times quickly locates numerous articles about the evils of Christian evangelicals.

How Some Indigenous Students Changed Me

Students generally expect to learn from their professors, but I can attest that professors also have a great deal to learn from their students. I want to say a bit here about some things I’ve learned from Indigenous students in particular, and how I’ve been changed as a result. 

Prayer in the face of fear

Peter Robinson

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

In his inaugural speech as president of the United States (March 4, 1933) Franklin Roosevelt began by saying “let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is ... fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror…” 

Exploring the mysteries of the first two verses of the Bible

Glen Taylor

As a scholar of ancient Hebrew, I have spent decades puzzling about how best to translate the first two verses of the Bible into English. Finally, I have settled on the following:

The value of routines in managing the new normal

Stephen Andrews

THE NEW NORMAL IS NOT NORMAL. So read a sign held aloft by a protester who appears regularly on the north side of Queen’s Park.

Professor Glen Taylor reflects

Patricia Paddey

After more than 30 years, Wycliffe College Professor of Scripture and Global Christianity Glen Taylor, has signalled his intention to retire at the end of the calendar year. He expects to remain closely connected to the College.

Words: The Power of Life and Death

Sileen Phillips

In the wake of anti-Black racism protests around the globe, people have been questioning the public statues and other works of art that surround us for the statements they make, overt or otherwise.

The importance of allyship

Brittany Hudson

Brittany Hudson is pursuing a Master of Theological Studies in Urban Community Development at Wycliffe College. She is also a community member of L'Arche Toronto.

The church: the matrix of change - Part 2

Matthew Waterman

This is part two of Matthew Waterman's reflections on the subject of anti-black racism and the church. Read part one here. Matthew graduated with his Master of Divinity from Wycliffe College in 2020.


The church: the matrix of change

Matthew Waterman

In the wake of events in Minneapolis, Wycliffe College Principal Stephen Andrews reached out to some of Wycliffe's black students to ask them how they are doing.

Not the End of the World: On Reading Revelation in a Time of Plague

Joseph Mangina

Dr. Joseph Mangina wrote the following piece for his parish, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and agreed to share it here.


Abba! Father!

Stephen Chester

In the last few weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has introduced a new and deep anxiety and uncertainty into our lives. All kind of features of our daily lives that we formerly could rely upon have been radically altered and we have no idea about what the future holds.

Faith in the Face of Adversity

Marion Taylor

The biblical prophet Habakkuk lived during the troubled last decades of Israel’s southern kingdom. “The Chaldeans [also called Babylonians] that fierce and impetuous nation” threatened to destroy God’s people.

A Call to Prayer in Times like These

Peter Robinson

In the midst of this present crisis one of the greatest gifts the church has for the world is prayer. Not prayer as a way of retreating from, or turning away from, the world, but prayer as means of being more present to the world in the midst of this crisis. In prayer, in worship, we begin with w

A Christian Response and Witness in the time of COVID-19

Annette Brownlee

On Friday, March 13, 2020—just before the University sent out its directive moving all classes online—several students said to me over the course of the day, “I’ve never been through something like this.” The current global pandemic is unprecedented in the experience of almost everyone living.

“I, Patrick, A Sinner”

Thomas Power

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Who was St. Patrick, and what example does his life and mission have for us today? First, a few pertinent facts. We know that Patrick was born in the late fourth century in Roman Britain, the son of a deacon, and grandson of a priest.

Who should we listen to?

Ephraim Radner

Who should you listen to?  Who do you trust to learn something from?  These are important questions for students, obviously.

How by doing what churches told them to do -- they failed their kids.

Judy Paulsen

Esther was one of many gracious life-long members of our church. A real salt-of-the-earth type, who with her husband had raised three kids to be successful, fully-launched adults. She was now thoroughly enjoying a bunch of grandkids, most of whom were already teenagers.

What is the Best Bible Translation?

Glen Taylor

"What is the best Bible translation?"

As a biblical scholar, I am asked this question more than any other.

What is the Best Bible Translation?

Glen Taylor

"What is the best Bible translation?"

As a biblical scholar, I am asked this question more than any other.

Does the Church Need Clergy?

Stephen Andrews

We are in a season of ordinations. In January, we witnessed the ordinations of Logan Hurst, Alison Hari-Singh and Alexandra Pohlod, to mention three Wycliffe students. And soon Philip Gearing and Orvin Lao will present themselves to the bishop for the laying on of hands. There are more to come.

On Not Getting Anything Out of Sermons

Joseph Mangina

This blog post is adapted and abbreviated from an article by Prof. Mangina that appeared in The Living Church, Jan. 1, 2012

Abide with Me: Thoughts on Christian Unity

Catherine Sider-Hamilton

What can be said about Christian unity in a month that has seen yet another church propose to split?

On Returning to the New World

Chris Seitz

Europeans generally think of Americans as very religious. They see things like a public swearing-in with a hand on the Bible and read a lot into that—even as it is somewhat of a formality that may have no obvious religious significance for those taking an oath.


Ann Jervis

Jesus talked a lot about money. Though I haven’t done the accounting, I suspect that money is one of his primary topics. Think of Jesus’ parables: the lost coin, the two debtors, the rich man and Lazarus, the Pharisee and the tax collector, the talents, and so on.

The Broken Wall

Stephen Andrews

When the announcement was made in 2012 that the then-Bishop of Durham, Justin Welby, was to be made the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury, those who knew him praised the decision, heralding him as a peace-maker at a time of deep division in the Church and in the world.

Faithful Preaching of the New Testament Involves the Old Testament

Stephen Chester

A basic failing in much Christian preaching and teaching about the New Testament is not explaining to congregations the rich relationships between what the New Testament authors say and Old Testament texts.

Nine Steps from Biblical Text to Biblical Sermon

Glen Taylor

The process of developing a sermon by drawing meaning out of a biblical text (also known as exegesis) does not have to be complicated.

Have you got what it takes to interpret Scripture?

Marion Taylor

Hidden away in the November 1921 edition of Nazarene Messenger, the official paper of the early Church of the Nazarene in Los Angeles, is an article titled “Qualifications of an Interpreter” written by Olive May Winchester (1879-1947).

Lessons on the World Day of the Poor: Pope Francis and the anonymous Jesus

David Kupp

I found Jesus a seven-minute walk from Wycliffe College. At first, I could not quite recognize him. Lying on a park bench, thickly covered with an old blanket, he was layered with snow. As I sat down on the bench beside him, though, I noticed his feet.

Advice for combining study with employment

Ephraim Radner

I often tell my doctoral students that if they have an outside job of more than 10 to 15 hours per week, the chances are that their dissertation will be the worse for it, or that it might not get done at all. Experience seems to confirm this advice. But not always.

The hard work of forgiveness and reconciliation

Wanda Malcolm

We are a people who have been made right in our relationship with God through the sacrificial life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The path we’ve travelled in being made right is the path of forgiveness and reconciliation; it’s what it means to be Christians.

The call to ministry: some eighteenth century advice

Thomas Power

You may be familiar with Rev. John Newton (1725-1807) as the author of the famous hymn, Amazing Grace. What you may not know is that he came to have an important ministry as a spiritual director, primarily through letter writing.


Mark Elliot

“Providence” sounds such a heavy word. Portentous. If someone uses it a lot in conversation, we might think of them as self-important and smug, as if they are claiming that God is on their side.

On being awarded the Brother Jeffrey Gros Memorial Student Prize

Charles Meeks

Wycliffe College PhD student Charles Meeks reflects on being awarded the Brother Jeffrey Gros Memorial Student Prize.

Wanda's blog post -

Wanda Malcolm

God is in the details: further thoughts on theological interpretation of Scripture

Joseph Mangina

In a recent post on this blog (September 17), my colleague Peter Robinson set forth a basic explanation of the theological interpretation of Scripture, often referred to as TIS. In that article, he made some crucial points.

The optimism of Ecclesiastes

Chris Seitz

My wife and I live in a small village—a hamlet—in rural France, and as in all the villages around us, we have an ancient parish church, with its strong bells regulating life. The painting “The Angelus” shows peasants with heads lowered in a field. They are our neighbours.

My Journey with Jesus: A Symphony in Five Movements

Judy Paulsen

It began in my childhood home in northwest India. My father was a Canadian Anglican priest who, after serving as a padre during the horrors of the Second World War, went to minister to a leper colony and small Anglican parish in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Theological Interpretation of Scripture: “not a method but a mode”

Peter Robinson

“The soul watered by sacred Scripture grows fat and bears fruit in due season, which is the orthodox faith, and so is it adorned with its evergreen leaves, with actions pleasing to God, I mean.” – John of Damascus (The Orthodox Faith, 4:17) as quoted in

On being a parent and a student at the same time

Annette Brownlee

I remember a Wycliffe student of several years ago who organized her life so she could be both a student and parent and spouse. She was the mother of two elementary school-aged boys.

3 ways seminary will change you for the better

Stephen Andrews

At Wycliffe’s recent Theology Pub Night on August 30, I was gratified when someone asked me if I was a student at Wycliffe College.

Alumni Profile: Patrick Tanhuanco: Pastor, Principal in the Philippines

Wycliffe College Blog

“[Wycliffe] College has balanced change with tradition, the building itself reminding faculty, trustees and students alike that they did not start Wycliffe, that each new generation stands on the shoulders of all who have been there before, that to become part of the College is to be received

Reflections on General Synod 2019

Stephen Andrews

The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) met in Vancouver for seven days, beginning July 10.

Pilgrim Reflections | Trip to Israel

Connie Chan

As Wycliffe College organizes another trip to Israel, to take place in February 2020, let's recall some of the unforgettable experiences for all the students and friends of Wycliffe who joined the trip last year.

On Christian Marriage

Catherine Sider-Hamilton

On Christian Marriage

Ephraim Radner

Life is hard for most people. Not just for a moment, or in moments—an illness, a lost job, a death of someone we love. Rather, life is hard in a continuous way, as a kind of passage over time. To get from birth to death is difficult. 

Theological study online—how does that work?

Thomas Power

In an online course I taught some years ago, I posted a message in the class discussion forum containing the text of a parishioner’s interpretation of something that had been spoken in tongues in his church the previous Sunday.

A moment redeemed becomes a vehicle of grace

Chris Seitz

My wife and I were in the United States over the holidays, to see my mother who is aging, wider family, and just enjoy some warmer weather.

To be close to Christ’s death: the knowledge of love

Ann Jervis

Perhaps I shouldn’t admit this publicly, but I don’t understand why Christ died. I am confident that I know the reason for it: sin’s hold on humanity. But, how Christ’s death changed that—about that, I am not so sure.

Remembering the Dead: Of Christ’s Death and Our Own

Joseph Mangina

I enjoy visiting old graveyards. I like to wander around, reading the tombstones, taking note of the dates and places of birth, the biblical verses and sentimental poetry.

Some rules on developing leaders in and for the church

Peter Robinson

Chris Wright, a biblical scholar and the International Ministries Director of Langham Partnership, has suggested that the great commission in Matthew 28:19, 20 is not so much a mandate to go to the far corners of the earth as it is about making disciples and baptizing wherever we are.

Dorothy Day: “gloriously different” sainthood

David Kupp

With World Writers Day having been celebrated earlier this month, and World Book Day (as declared by the United Nations) coming up on April 3, it seems a fitting time to revisit the story of 20th-century journalist, author, and social activist Dorothy Day.

Dorothy Day: “Gloriously different” sainthood

David Kupp

With World Writers Day having been celebrated earlier this month, and World Book Day (as declared by the United Nations) coming up on April 3, it seems a fitting time to revisit the story of 20th century journalist, author, and social activist Doro

Why it’s never too late to study theology: ministry at a deathbed

Judy Paulsen

I was asked to write a blog on the topic, “Why it’s never too late to study theology.”  It seemed like a nice, safe topic that wouldn’t require too much of me in what is a busy part of the academic term.

Three Women from history who might change your thinking about women preaching

Marion Taylor

Paul’s words to the Corinthians—that women should keep silent in the churches—have traditionally been understood as prohibiting women from preaching, speaking, and teaching in church.

How to make a good apology

Wanda Malcolm

I divide my professional life between teaching at Wycliffe College and working as a clinical psychologist in private practice.

10 Things Every Theological Student Ought to Know

George Sumner

1. Let your superiors advise you.

Questions on aging worthy of reflection

Annette Brownlee

Two years ago, my husband, Ephraim, and I were proud parents at our son’s graduation from university. The afternoon before the graduation ceremony there was a baccalaureate service in the chapel of his school. Seating was limited; each graduate could only invite a few people.

On Seeing Christ in the Psalms

Glen Taylor

My family and I live in a Victorian house in downtown Toronto. One of the things that drew us to buy this old home was the entrance, which consists of two nicely sculpted wooden doors with stained glass panels that make up the upper half of each door.

Have You Had an Epiphany Moment Yet This New Year?

Glen Taylor

Christians familiar with liturgical traditions will know that we are in the season of Epiphany, a period that focuses on Bible passages that disclose the fact that Jesus was divine.

The Only Answer to Suffering

Ephraim Radner

I once heard a priest address a congregation with a question: “What is the complaint I hear most from parents?” Then he answered it by saying: “they lament the fact that their grown children have stopped going to church.”  The priest went on: “Do you know what I tell them?

Episco-Paul: Was the Apostle Paul an Anglican?

Terence Donaldson

Wycliffe's Lord and Lady Coggan Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Terence Donaldson, muses on a question that has long occupied the minds of scholars: was the Apostle Paul an Anglican?

Put priority on Jesus by caring for those living in poverty

Will Postma

Will Postma is an adjunct professor at Wycliffe College and the Executive Director at the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), the humanitarian and development arm of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Christmas Reflections: A Strange Way to Save the World

Ruth Barlett

Ruth Bartlett is the 2018-2019 Senior Student. She is in the MTSD and the MDiv combined-degree program.  She hopes to be ordained with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. 


Advent Reflections: The Strangeness of Love in the Womb of Mary

Ryan Smith

J. Ryan Smith is a transplanted prairie boy and a first year PhD student at Wycliffe College who studies divine violence in the Scriptures.


Advent Reflections: Celebrating Him, not ourselves

Michelle Quach

Michelle Quach is a 2nd-year MDIV Pioneer student on a leave of absence, taking care of her 6-week old son. Prior to being called to seminary, Michelle had a career in marketing and strategic management.

Advent Reflections: Roadwork in Advent

David Clark


The Rev. David Clark is a fourth-year PhD Candidate. His research focuses on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s interpretation of the Old Testament during the Nazi period, including the implications for post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian relations.


Advent Reflections: Jesus' perfect words

James Sholl


James Sholl is a 3rd year MDiv Pioneer student. He loves Jesus, people, cooking, and board games--in that order. Below, he shares his reflection for the first week of Advent on the theme of hope, based on Luke 21:25-36.


Passage for reflection: 

Meet Wycliffe College’s first successful conjoint PhD graduate in Theological Studies

Wycliffe College Blog

Shaun Christopher Brown will go down in the history books as Wycliffe College’s first successful conjoint PhD graduate in Theological Studies.

The One to whom we give thanks matters

Andrew Witt

As our American neighbours prepare to launch their festive season with Thanksgiving celebrations later this week, Adjunct Professor Andrew Witt, an American, shares some of the history surrounding his country's tradit

When bad things happen to good people

Judy Paulsen

A vulnerable senior loses their life savings to a fraudulent telemarketing scheme. A young mother gets cancer. Innocent lives are lost to a crazed gunman, or a drunk driver, or in a plane crash. We seem to hear about such tragedies almost every day.

Why it’s important to know Christian history

Thomas Power

People today know less about history than previous generations did, writes Wycliffe College's Adjunct Professor of Church History and Theological Librarian, Thomas Power, and that is to our detriment.

"It wasn't easy! Hurdles I overcame on the road to my Ph.D."

John A. Bertone

Wycliffe’s Ph.D. program trains candidates to carry out innovative research. Graduates go on to teach in universities, liberal arts colleges, and theological schools. They are also equipped for positions of leadership in ecclesiastical and related organizations, or for academically e

The Prosperity Gospel: Its theology, challenges, and opportunities

Mwita Akiri

Mwita Akiri is Bishop of Tarime, Tanzania and Research Professor of Missiology and African History here at Wycliffe College. On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, he will deliver the Sadleir Annual Lecture - on what has become known as "The Prosperity Gospel" - at 3:00 p.m.

A Confusion of Printers: The Role of Print in the English Reformation

Ours is the era of round the clock news. It is also a time during which it is becoming increasingly challenging to discern legitimate facts from "fake news" as social media and search engines deliver up stories for reader consumption that algorithms determine we want to see. But as Rev.

Good news for A-Types and B-Types

Chapel season at Wycliffe College is in full swing.

Reflections on RADVO

By Orvin Lao

The Radical Vocation Conference has bolstered my excitement towards Anglican priesthood. It has further enriched my discernment towards priestly vocation and affirmed my convictions, desires, and hopes as I journey towards my call.

Wycliffe College Book Launch

It has been a productive publishing season for Wycliffe College.

Sasquia Antunez Pineda, MTSD Student

Sasquia Antunez Pineda is in her first year of studies in the MTSD program at Wycliffe College.

Kingdom-Focused Bible Engagement

Lawson Murray

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 3:00 p.m., Wycliffe College will host Lawson Murray, President of Scripture Union (SU) Canada, as guest speaker at the “Wednesday Event.” SU’s mission is to connect Canadians with Jesus and His Story.

Wine Before Breakfast: Joy in a Minor Key

Wine Before Breakfast. It is a compelling, curiosity-raising name for a Christian community that gathers weekly at Wycliffe College each Tuesday morning (at 7:22 a.m.) throughout the academic year.

Introducing The Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion

Richard Crocker

The Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC) cites Wycliffe College as one of its sister organizations. EFAC's General Secretary, Rev'd Richard Crocker, explains the history and work of the organization below.

An interview with Wycliffe College alumnus, Brian C. Stiller

Patricia Paddey

Wycliffe College Alumnus Brian C. Stiller (W '75, M.Rel.) has been one of this country’s most prominent evangelical leaders, having served terms as President of: Youth for Christ (Canada), the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, and Tyndale University College & Seminary. Since 2011 he has held the position of Global Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance, a global alliance serving some 600 million evangelical Christians. 

Lessons from history: the role of print in the English Reformation

Ours is the era of the 24-hour news cycle. It is also a time during which it is becoming increasingly challenging to discern legitimate facts from "fake news" as social media and search engines deliver up stories for reader consumption that algorithms determine we want to see.

Post PhD: Work in multiple disciplines

Laura Vander Velden is anticipating a Fall defence of her doctoral dissertation (titled: After Barth: Stanley Hauerwas’s Reception of Karl Barth’s Theology as a Test Case in Modern Theological “Method”) after wrapping up work on a PhD at Wycliffe College.

Culture is not optional

Brian J. Walsh

The Theology of Culture course is all about exploring the relationship between faith and culture from the perspective of worldview analysis.

Being the Earth Creature

Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat is an expert on biblical faith and creation care, sustainable living, and radical discipleship.

Witthaya Phuttharaksa, Wycliffe PhD student, Langham Scholar

Wycliffe College Blog

Witthaya Phuttharaksa is a PhD student at Wycliffe College, Toronto and a Langham Scholar. Now entering his second year of New Testament studies, his eventual goal is to help strengthen the Church in his homeland of Thailand.

Signs of God’s unmerited grace

Throughout its history, Wycliffe College has provided theological education to students from many countries, but those who have hailed from South America have been few and far between.

In support of women preaching

By Marion Taylor

Of theology and politics

Sound theology isn't just important for pastors, priests and professors.

When Harry marries Meghan

All the world’s abuzz with talk of this weekend’s royal wedding. For Christians, a wedding ceremony is a sacred celebration that includes promises that a couple makes before God.

Preaching Jesus Christ Today

Wycliffe College

Preaching Jesus Christ Today: Six Questions for Moving from Scripture to Sermon (Baker Academic, April 2018) is the newest book from Wycliffe College Chaplain and Professor of Pastoral Theology

Alumni Spotlight - The Rev Earl Gerber

The Rev. Earl Gerber

The Rev. Earl Gerber (Wycliffe '53) shares with us his joy and sorrow, and God's abiding grace since graduating from Wycliffe College.

Struggling to make sense of the senseless

Wycliffe College Blog

In the wake of the mass killing in Toronto yesterday, journalists are - like all of us - struggling to make sense of the senseless. Most Canadians reacted to the news of yesterday’s tragic events with shock, disbelief, horror.

"God we hurt": Unpacking Sean Brandow's lament

Wycliffe College Blog

It began with self-deprecation but quickly moved to raw anguish.

On being a shepherd

The following blog originated as part of a sermon preached by Wycliffe’s Professor of Pastoral Theology Marilyn Draper during an ordination service.

Contending with the past to build a better future: Q&A with Principal Stephen Andrews

Stephen Andrews

As Canadians continue to grapple with the legacy of the residential schools, denominations, churches and seminaries across the country are considering what it means to live into the Calls to Action coming out of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

On Chinese New Year

Chandra Wim (“Wim”) is a Chinese Indonesian student in his sixth year of study at Wycliffe. He started in the Master of Theology program in 2012 and is now working on the dissertation for his Doctor of Theology.

Sex and Sin

Ann Jervis

Sex and Sin have a long history together. 

Reflections of Noh Bo Academy, Thailand, Summer 2017

Joan Morris is a third-year MDiv student at Wycliffe College.

George A. Lindbeck, 1923-2018

Wycliffe College Blog

Some of us are fortunate to have one or more teachers in our lives whose influence on us is significant and memorable.  In this blog post, Wycliffe Professor of Systematic Theology, Joseph Mangina writes about one 

Hope for a threatened world

By Ann Jervis

A recent magazine article offers reasons why Donald Trump is President Trump.

The author’s the

A Conversation with Oliver O’Donovan

Wycliffe College holds a special place in the heart of world-renowned theologian and Christian ethicist, Oliver O’Donovan. He met his wife here 40 years ago; the couple was married in Founders’ Chapel and held their reception on the College grounds.

A Wycliffe “fixture” says farewell

After 20 years, Wycliffe Business Director Peter Patterson is retiring at the end of this term.

Introducing Canada’s Newest Bishop-Elect

Arctic priest and Wycliffe College graduate, the Rev. David Lehmann (W94) has been elected bishop of the diocese of Caledonia. Communications director Patricia Paddey spoke to him recently about his faith, his October 25 election, and his hopes for the future.

The Holocaust, Religious Leadership, and Contemporary Ethics: a Wycliffe Student’s Journey to Germany and Poland

David Clark

The Rev. David Clark, pictured in June 2017 at the site of the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) concentration camp

Different ways of doing church

Wycliffe College Blog

Late last month in Sussex, England, Wycliffe’s Professor of Evangelism Judy Paulsen attended an international learning community on Fresh Expressions—a movement that explores different ways of doing church.

Christianity: more than a European transplant for Indigenous Peoples in Canada

A stained-glass window in Founders' Chapel, Wycliffe College, depicts the sharing of the gospel with Indigenous people. In 1804, the year of its foundation, the British and Foreign Bible Society made its first grant for the translation of the Scriptures into a non-English language.

A mystery at the heart of St. Francis

By Catherine Sider Hamilton

"Praised be my Lord

by means of all Your creatures

and most especially by Sir Brother Sun…

The “missing link” in creation vs. evolution debates

Glen Taylor

By Glen Taylor

There is something vital missing in many debates about creation versus evolution, and that is the voice of the biblical scholar.

More on the prediction of Christ’s return on September 23rd

Glen Taylor is Professor of Scripture and Global Christianity at Wycliffe.

Disagreeing with respect

Dr. David Guretzki (at far left) is Executive Vice President and Resident Theologian of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He is pictured with Dr. Alister McGrath, Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford.

“A privilege to disagree”

Karen Stiller

So far, it is Alister McGrath: 2, Michael Shermer: 1.

Memories of September 11, 2001

This week is Orientation Week at Wycliffe College. Monday, September 11 2017, will be the first day of classes in the Fall semester.

Hurricane Harvey: A Christian Response

Ephraim Radner


A Houston residential neighbourhood is under water following days of heavy rains during Hurricane Harvey.


By Ephraim Radner


Market, Museum, and Free Lunches


Students gather in Sheraton Hall at Wycliffe College at the beginning of Orientation Week, launching the 2015/16 academic year. 

By Rachel Lott



Course explores essentials of Christian faith


The Christian Foundations course gives participants a basic introduction to Christianity.


By Jacky Bramma


On Truth, Public Discourse, and Being Bothered

"Is God a figment of the imagination?" It's a question worth pondering, and one that Wycliffe College invites you to think about at a unique event this fall. Why would a Christian seminary host such a dialogue?

John Wycliffe: more than just a stained glass face


John Wycliffe, as seen in a stained glass portrait, which is featured as a part of one of the windows in Founders' Chapel at Wycliffe College. 

By Thomas Power


Luther's love-affair

Alec Ryrie is Professor of the History of Christianity at Durham University and a licensed lay preacher in the Church of England.

“I’m an ecumenist because I’m schismatic”

The Rev. Dr. Scott Sharman (left) is a graduate of Wycliffe College, a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, and professor of Church History at Newman Theological College. He has recently been appointed by the General Synod as Animator for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations.

Of innocent blood and exile

Limestone sculpture by Adolf von Hildebrand (1847 – 1921) depicting Cain’s murder of his brother Abel. In the following blog, Wycliffe's Dr.

Story of a calling

Philip Stonhouse (pictured) is a graduate of Wycliffe College. Originally from Saskatoon, Sask., he came to Toronto to pursue an acting career, performing in plays, musicals, operas, film, commercials, and more.

Of Safety, Serious Consideration, and Sober Thoughts

Professor Wanda Malcolm with students at the Alexandria School of Theology in Cairo, Egypt. From left to right are: Rev. Emad Basilios, Mario Nagy, Amir Samy, Wanda Malcolm, Peter Awad, and Rev. Osama Fathy.

"Naked" Preaching

Guest post by Robert Dean

Refugees: neighbours, friends, children of God

Jenn McIntyre

Romero House is home to a vibrant community, made up of refugees, staff, volunteers, and neighbours. The photo at left depicts members of the Romero House community at their Easter Sunrise Service.



John Stott - a (previously untold) story

Peter Robinson

By Peter Robinson

Langham Partnership Canada exists to equip the next generation of Bible teachers.


Scholars build bridges

Interview by Patricia Paddey 

What is it like to do a PhD?

By Ian Vaillancourt

Making room for families

By Marion Taylor - with input from Glen and their kids

Truth as the anchor

By Bishop Jenny Andison 

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell.

When past and present come together

By Patricia Paddey


Jane Hodgins (left) and Judy Anderson (right) stand beneath the portrait of their great-grandfather, Dyson Hague, in the Cody Library at Wycliffe College.



Walking the Unknown

By Christa Hesselink

I love the story in the Bible of when Peter decides to get out of the boat and walks to meet Jesus, who had walked out to the middle of a lake.

What does "community" mean to you?

Karine White

Karine White lives in residence at Wycliffe College, and blogs below on her experience of community here. She is a graduate of the Diploma in Operatic Performance Program at the University of Toronto Faculty of Music, where she is currently on faculty as a movement instructor.